Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Delicious Ginger for Natural Indigestion Relief

From the people who know ginger best comes Ginger Rescue, a drug-free digestive aid and anti-nausea remedy with active ginger compounds in a convenient and tasty chewable tablet for both adults and kids. Learn More.

The Health Benefits of Ginger in Delicious Chews and Crystals

Prince of Peace Ginger Chews are a delightful balance of sweet and spicy ginger taste with a pleasant chewy texture. Each Ginger Chew is individually wrapped for your convenience. Unwrap, chew and enjoy!
Now available in 3 new flavors: Lemon, Mandarin Orange, and Mango. Gluten free.


Try Prince of Peace Ginger Chews and save more on your order with coupon code HBEES.

Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic Herbal Products

Bliss for Mama & Baby

Pregnancy & Baby Care Products that are in Tune with Nature

Earth Mama Angel Baby's all natural, herbal pregnancy products combine ancient medicinal plant wisdom with contemporary science based research to offer safe solutions and comfort through pregnancy nausea, morning sickness, heartburn, hemorrhoids, pregnancy anxiety, stretch marks and more.
Whether you’re looking for a birth gift, baby shower gift or blessing way gift, or just comfort for yourself, Earth Mama's safe, worry-free products honor pregnancy as a completely natural process that can be supported with herbal gifts from the earth.

Improve Memory Focus Mood and Concentration with Clinically Proven Brain Pill

Brain Pill™ Can Boost Your Ability to Function Optimally in Your Busy, Demanding World
Brain Pill™ is designed exclusively for people who demand top-quality and refuse to settle for second best when it comes to their health. If you are committed to achieving your maximum potential, don’t go another day without Brain Pill™.

In our quest to create the highest quality, most effective brain supplement possible, we chose two flagship ingredients - proven so effective in clinical trials they’ve been patented - Cognizin® and Synapsa™.

Top tier ingredients are costly, so most brain supplements don’t include these powerfully reliable, consistent formulations. One more reason we are sure you’ll agree Brain Pill™ is simply the best brain enhancement supplement available.
With Just One Pill A Day You Could:
  • Boost your working memory
  • Perform at a high rate at work or school
  • Quickly process information
  • Cut through brain fog
  • Have fewer distractions
  • Reduce stress
  • Mentally prepare for exams or projects
  • Perform better under fatigue
  • Make effective decisions
  • Acquire new skills more easily
Brain Pill™ Gives You an Unfair Advantage - Brain Power

The Ingredients in Brain Pill™ increase your mental stamina and cognitive ability. Helping you gain that edge with everyone around you. Deliver sharper mental clarity and focus. Help retain more information and stay fresher longer. Combat future memory loss. Enjoy peak performance now while proactively protecting your edge.

Help improve your mood. You’ll feel upbeat and energized.

Increase mental clarity and intense focus: an advantage others around you won’t have. Your brain is your command center, the key to everything you do and everything you are. Enhancing your cognitive ability with Brain Pill™ is a smart investment in your health, your performance and your success.
Synapsa™ is Clinically Proven

Synapsa™ Natural Memory Support has been shown to improve information processing, enhance memory and upgrade intellectual performance – naturally and safely – in healthy adults. Synapsa™ has the potential to help you:
  • Process information faster – get more done, more effectively, in less time
  • Improve your ability to learn – experience clearer focus and improved ability to absorb and retain information
  • Decrease forgetfulness – even when fatigued
  • Improve your memory consolidation – achieve quicker recall
  • Deliver better multitasking accuracy – handle the constant demand with more ease

Why Cognizin®?

Cognizin®, derived from the brain nutrient Citocoline, is known to increase levels of several important neurotransmitters including acetylcholine, dopamine and noradrenaline.

Cognizin® helps maintain the integrity of your neuronal cell membranes; and increases energy production in your frontal cortex and has the potential to:
  • Augment your brain metabolism
  • Increase your mental reaction time
  • Improve your immediate, short term and verbal memory
  • Reduce oxidative stress on your system
  • Expand your ability to focus
  • To Feel Amazing and Inspired. Brain Pill™ 
  • Delivers Increased Mental Stamina and Elevated Focus

Everyone runs out of mental steam on occasion. When life demands you press on, you’ll be more alert and ready, with the sharper energy and focus which optimal mental capacity delivers.

Brain Pill™ combines the most powerful, clinically proven ingredients on the forefront of brain productivity and memory research. Each of our carefully selected ingredients is potent and effective on its own, but together, our research goal was to create far and away the ultimate synergistic combination for enhancing mental clarity, alertness and overall brain function.

Each powerhouse brain-boosting ingredient is backed by solid science and in-depth research.

Experience Optimal Brain Power, Mental Acuity and Mind Processing Speed while Proactively Protecting Your Brain Health for the Future

Brain PowerBrain supplementation is at the cutting edge of neuroscience. As science advances our understanding of the human brain, we’ve come to understand how to enhance brain performance, safely and effectively.

There are plenty of brain supplements on the market, but none with the same combinations of potent and promising ingredients. If you want to maximize your ability to excel – at everything you do – your brain must be firing on all cylinders – all day, every day. You must protect and preserve your brain function, as it will diminish – it’s the reality of being human.

The great news? Brain research has advanced light years and science has discovered how to support your brain to get more done, more effectively.

Once you experience the edge Brain Pill™ delivers– a sharper version of you - you’ll never settle for less again.
Take Control of Your Brain Health, Enhance Your Brain Power and Run on Overdrive While Fighting Against Fatigue
Your brain requires tremendous blood flow and oxygen to perform at optimal levels. The reality is simple: every year you age, your brain becomes less able to process the vital nutrients it needs to perform optimally.

And, environmental factors conspire to make this process happen at younger and younger ages and more rapidly than ever before.

No matter how smart you are, or how productive, nature is conspiring to dull your edge.


A synergistic blend of the most powerful ingredients known to science today, Brain Pill™ is specially formulated to increase blood flow to your brain. It delivers the vital nutrients that keep your mind flexible, so you experience sharper clarity that allows you to get things done – quicker and more easily.

Take a stand against mental fatigue and brain fog. Brain Pill™ gives you an unfair advantage, so you can keep up with and even exceed everyone around you. Be ready for everything your lightning fast life demands.

Clinical studies prove you can accelerate – and restore - your brain function. If you value optimal mental performance, neuro-cognitive experts recommend you take charge of your health and protect your brain with quality supplements.
Potent Ingredients for Powerful Results

Brain Pill contains the most advanced, clinically-proven natural potent ingredients for effective results, like:

Cognizin® "the Brain Rejuvenator"
Exceptional brain nutrient protects from the ravages of aging and environmental stress.

Synapsa – "the Memory Stimulator"
Improves brain function, mental performance, memory and recall.

Huperzia Serrata – "the Alertness Factor"
Protects your brain function, increases alertness and aids memory.

Vinpocetine – "the Smart Agent"
Enhances energy production and blood flow to your brain.

Gingko Biloba -"the Smart Drug"
Powerful anti-oxidant, delivers oxygen and blood glucose to your brain.

Phosphatidylserine (PS) - "the Brain Revitalizer"
Improves short-term memory, mood, concentration and the performance of everyday activities.

DHA – "the Cognitive Agent"
Vital for cognitive function and preventing cognitive decline, especially as you age.

Vitamin B12 - 'the Smart Vitamin'
Helps protect your brain from shrinking with age, protecting memory.

L-Tyrosine – "the Focus Nutrient"
Boosts dopamine to improve focus.

L-Thenaine – "the Mind Calmer"
Improves energy levels and reduces stress.

Vitamin B6 – "the Brain Booster"
Boosts production of neurotransmitters, the chemicals that allow brain and nerve cells to communicate with one another.

Folic Acid- "the Memory Vitamin"
Improves memory, reduces the effects of oxidation.

Pantothenic Acid – "the Stress Buster"
Supports increased energy and the combats the effects of stress.
Try Brain Pill today and experience the unfair advantage.

Benefits of Curcumin C3 Complex with BioPerine

Curcumin C3 contains active components called Curcuminoids which are powerful antioxidants.  These Curcuminoids provide immune and anti-inflammatory support, and relieve temporary joint inflammation and pain that may occur after overexertion during intensive physical activity.
Curcumin C3 Complex® is a patented and clinically evaluated “Bioprotectant” composition of three Curcuminoids.
The name C3 Complex® has reference to its three main chemical compounds - Curcumin, Demethoxycurcumin (DMC) and Bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC)—collectively known as “Curcuminoids”.
The journey of Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex® clinical trials has helped exploring the potential of Curcumin in preventive healthcare and has carved a unique place for Curcumin in the dietary supplement industry making it “The Most Trusted Brand” for over two decades.

Curcuminoids support overall wellness and good health and the addition of BioPerine improves the absorption and bioavailability of the curcuminoids.

Beneficial Effects of Curcuminoids

  • Curcumin C3 Complex is an effective “Bioprotectant”, antioxidant quenching free radicals and also preventing their formation.
  • Curcumin has been shown to be a Cox-2 (Cyclooxygenase-2) inhibitor.
  • Unlike conventional non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), curcuminoids do not cause gastrointestinal side effects or ulcers.
  • Curcuminoids support a healthy immune system.
  • Prevent connective tissue break down through inhibiting destructive enzymes.

Nutraceutical Applications of Curcuminoids
  • Antioxidant support.
  • Alzheimer’s disease/dementia.
  • Cardiovascular support.
  • Immune support.
  • Anti-tumor anticancer effects.
  • Anti-inflammatory support.
  • Wound healing.
  • Antiviral effects.
Pharmacology and Clinical Trials
  • Curcumin/Piperine study - FDA office of Drug Evaluation I, Division of Oncology Drug Products.
  • Effects of Curcuminoids on aberrant crust foci in the human colon - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.
  • Pilot study of curcuminoids with or without BioPerine in patients with multiple myeloma - MD Anderson Cancer Center.
  • Prevention and intervention of Alzheimer’s disease with curcuminoids - UCLA
  • Curcuminoids in patients with Lichen plants - University of California.
  • Phase IIa prevention study of C3 Complex curcuminoids in women at increased risk for breast cancer - MD Anderson Cancer Center.
  • The Clinical and laboratory effects of topical curcuminoids in patients with normal skin and with dysplastic and benign nevi - National Cancer Institute.
  • Metabolic studies and chemopreventive studies - University of Leicester UK.

Super Curcumin C3 Complex provides 1000mg of Curcuminoids per caplets.

GlycoLoad Muscle Glycogen Loading Carbohydrate

Metabolic Nutrition’s GlycoLoad, is a scientifically developed carbohydrate supplement which specifically targets Glycogen production in the body, giving you the ability to properly “carb-load” your muscles without the negative side effects of carbohydrate/sugar intake turning to unwanted body fat.
Glycogen is the key form of energy storage in your body and is critical to fuel ATP for muscular contraction, blood vessel dilation, increased vascularity, and for hydrating muscles…giving you a lean, hard, more defined look that all athletes aspire to obtain. Carb-Loading has been practiced by athletes for decades, but even complex training methods and diets have often failed due to the inability to properly absorb & store the rapid high dose of fast sugars that are often consumed.
GlycoLoad is a single high molecular weight, low osmolality carbohydrate that specifically targets Glycogen production in the body, giving you the ability to properly “carb-load” your muscles without the negative side effects of carbohydrate/sugar intake turning to unwanted body fat.
GlycoLoad provides everything you need to make the most out of your workouts with several great tasting and easy to mix flavors that will have your taste buds craving it again and again. GlycoLoad also comes in an unflavored version, so you can add it to your favorite pre-workout or protein supplement.
How does GlycoLoad work?
GlycoLoad uses a highly branched cyclic dextrin which is formed by using a branching enzyme on specific amylopectin starches to form complex, high molecular weight structures. It has long glycosidal chains making it digestive acid resistance while maintaining its high energy value. This high molecular weight, low osmolality ingredient makes it highly soluble in liquid while allowing it to bypass the stomach reducing gastric issues typically found in complex carb products. Thus, GlycoLoad enters the bloodstream and target tissues providing a long term source of carbohydrate energy which is perfect for high intensity exercise.

The addition of rapid absorbing ingredients (amino acids) in GlycoLoad help to increase the muscle’s ability to rebuild faster and continue to build long after your training session. When using GlycoLoad, you will notice increased energy and strength throughout your day, which helps maintain power and strength, allowing you to work harder and stronger all the way through your workouts. In addition, for those who exercise at extreme intensities wearing down glycogen stores, GlycoLoad will help maintain and replenish those levels. GlycoLoad can be taken anytime of the day, but may have a more powerful effect if consumed immediately following exercise.
More energy for greater workout capacity:
Immediately during exercise, you should have more energy for greater workout capacity. Over time, you should expect to have more endurance, greater overall strength, less post-exercise soreness, and denser, harder lean muscle within a few weeks of use. In addition, you may experience muscle pumps and harder muscles during your workouts.
GlycoLoad utilize a no fast-sugar complex carbohydrate:
The combined ingredients within GlycoLoad utilize a no fast-sugar complex carb approach to provide energy, muscle-building, and general health properties through its use of its highly effective microcrystalline, high molecular weight, low osmolality structure, along with key amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Specific forms of fast absorbing, electrolytes helps penetrate the muscle providing hydration and energy. In all, GlycoLoad has taken all the aspects of complex carb, glycogen loading dilemmas, conquered them, and combined specific ingredients in to one powerful glycogen-enhancing product.

How to take GlycoLoad for Optimum Results:
For optimal results, take GlycoLoad within 45-30 minutes before you exercise and/or immediately following exercise. Since absorption and utilization of ingredients varies per individual, keep track of your energy during your workout and your recovery and muscle soreness post workout and then consume according to your needs. GlycoLoad can be stacked with Tri-Pep, TAG, CGP, or other Metabolic Nutrition products depending on your overall fitness goals.
You do not need to load or cycle GlycoLoad, simply use it any time of the day, especially before and after your workout. Also GlycoLoad is a great meal replacement or additive to a protein shake. While GlycoLoad does not contain any ingredients that would alter your body’s ability to function normally, it is always advised to take a week or two off from supplements every 12 to 16 weeks just to allow your body a chance to reset itself.
GlycoLoad is absolutely safe to take every day. There is no established limit to the amount of carbohydrates you can safely take daily, although the FDA does recommend not over-consuming carbohydrates as part of their daily 2000 calorie suggestion.
If you would like to purchase  GlycoLoad, please click here. Use coupon code extra5percent for additional saving.

Perfect Cookie Gluten Free Grass-fed Whey Protein

Perfect Cookie at HBees.com
Check all the Perfect Cookie varieties here.

Clean any surface with only water using the Amazing Patented Chemical-free Nano Fibers Towels

NanoTowels Cleans with Only Water

A Revolutionary New Fabric Technology That Cleans With Only Water, Replaces Expensive Paper Towels and Toxic Cleaners, and Can Help You Save Hundreds Of Dollars Per Year While Making Your Home Safer, Healthier & "Greener"

The NanoTowels® Give You Significant Household Savings, Benefit the Health Of You and Your Family, Are Easy and More Convenient To Use, Will Clean Just As Good As the Toxic Chemicals, and Offer Big Environmental Benefits.

To learn more about the NanoTowels and get Free shipping, click here. Use coupon code: 10Percent to save even more.
NanoTowels Cleans with Only Water

PGA Sports Medicine Team Doctor Recommends ElanVeda Muscle for top Golf Athletes

ElanVeda Muscle & Joint

Essential Massage Oil Blend

Muscle and Joint is a proprietary Ayurvedic blend of organic essential oils. It provides relief from joint discomfort and muscle soreness. Perfect for anyone who has joint or muscle pain due to exercise, fatigue or injury.

Endorsed and recommended by Dr. Tom Lafountain PGA Sports Medicine Team Doctor for top Golf athletes. ElanVeda Muscle and Joint Massage Oil is organic, effective, and easy to use. Save 20% and get free shipping today.

ElanVeda Muscle & Joint Essential Oil Blend

Back to School Immune Support with Sambucus

30 Individually Wrapped Gummies to Support a Healthy Immune System Each Mega...